Pledge to Vote Early to Find Your Voting Site & Ballot

We want you to protest on April 23rd by participating in the #SexEdSitOut, but that would be meaningless if you sit out the election. 

If you're not already registered to vote... April 15th is the last day to register to vote. The most important influence a parent can have on their children's voting habits, and the direction of their schools, is by participating in every election. You can't do that if you're not registered to vote. If you're not already registered, visit www.Parents.Vote/register_to_vote and register to vote. It only takes about 2 minutes!

If you are already registered to vote... Pledge to vote early and we'll help you find your nearest polling site and a sample of the candidates on your ballot!

Who's pledging

Will Be Voting Early? Click An Answer Below and We'll Help You Find Your Early Polling Location:

    pledged to vote 2019-09-20 10:23:12 -0400
    pledged support 2019-08-21 11:28:23 -0400
    pledged support 2019-04-18 12:53:45 -0400
    pledged support 2019-04-18 12:53:44 -0400